Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment From Montmorency Dental Group

Root Canal treatments

The dental team at Montmorency Dental Group will help relieve your tooth pain by removing the infection from your tooth canal structure.

The dentist will alleviate the discomfort with local injection & performing a root canal treatment. The treatment can take a few visits to remove the infection and fill the now clean but empty canals with a special material.

A root canal treatment is performed to alleviate pain in your tooth and to enable you to keep your tooth. 

There is nothing like your own teeth.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is performed when there is infection present within the pulp of the tooth or around the root tip. If left untreated symptoms such as pain (this can be anything from a constant dull ache to severe pain), and swelling of gum or face can occur. The aim of the treatment is to remove dying or dead tissue and bacteria from inside the tooth and help the patient to regain a healthy oral condition.

The common reason that gives rise to damaged or destroyed pulp:

  • Deep decay
  • Very large fillings
  • Tooth fractures
  • Severe gum disease
  • Loose fillings
  • Excessive wear of teeth
  • Trauma
  • Physical blow to a tooth
  • Continual clenching or grinding
  • Untreated cavity
  • Severe injury from external force that damage the pulp
  • Gum diseases
dental surgeon
woman smiling with white teeth

The complete treatment includes the following procedure:

  • Use of X-ray to locate the diseased tissue where the treatment is needed
  • Local anaesthesia
  • Remove the diseased pulp tissue
  • Clean and disinfecting the pulp chamber
  • Place a root filling to seal the space
  • Permanent crown on top of the tooth

Root canal treatment has three purposes:

  • Stop the tooth from aching
  • Prevent bacteria and pain from spreading into the jaw causing further discomfort
  • Maintain the original tooth instead of replacing it with an implant, denture or bridge
If you need to have a root canal treatment please call or email us today to schedule an examination appointment.

Top 10 Myths About Root Canals

People seem to cringe when they hear the words root canal. But reading the truth about these 10 root canal myths can help you get a better sense of what having a root canal is really all about.

1.Root Canals Hurt

Today, with modern technology and better anaesthetics, root canal treatments are no more painful than having a filling. Knowing what to expect while having a root canal can help ease a lot of anxiety.

2.Root Canals Require a lot of Visits to the Dentist

With today’s cutting edge technology, most root canals can be performed in a few visits.

3.Crowns Cause teeth to Need Root Canals

Crowns do not cause the need for root canal therapy. If a crowned tooth does require a root canal, it could be that the tooth has abscessed or that decay has gotten underneath the crown and reached the pulp of the tooth.

4.Root Canals Cause Illness

There is no evidence to support that root canals cause illness.

5.Root Canals Involve removing the Roots of the Tooth

The dentist removes the pulp from inside of the tooth. The roots of the tooth are not removed.

6.Pregnant women Can’t Have Root Canals

Pregnant women can and do have root canals. Having a root canal requires a small x-ray, but the radiation exposure is very minimal and the x-ray is aimed at the mouth, not the abdomen. the anaesthetics that dentist use are also safe for pregnant women. Be sure to let your dentist know beforehand if you are pregnant.

7.Even with a Root Canal, The Tooth Will Come Out Eventually

If you have your tooth properly restored, maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist for regular check-ups, your natural tooth could last for the rest of your life.

8.If the Tooth Doesn’t Hurt, there is no Need for a Root Canal

While a throbbing toothache usually results in the need for root canal treatment, many times a tooth can require root canal treatment when there is no pain present. Dentists are specially trained to test a tooth to see if the pulp has been infected or damaged. If this is the case, a root canal would be necessary to save the tooth.

9.Extracting the Tooth is better than Getting a Root Canal

Keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is very important for proper eating and chewing functions. There are several options available for missing teeth, such as dentures, partial dentures, dental implants and bridges, however, these alternatives can be much more expensive than saving your tooth with a root canal treatment.

10.After Having a Root Canal, My tooth is Completely Restored

After having a root canal, it is extremely important to have the tooth permanently restored. After the pulp of the tooth has been removed, the tooth can become very dry and brittle. Having a permanent crown restoration placed over the tooth will help protect the tooth from fracturing.

Call us on on 03 9431 4431 orbook online to schedule an appointment

We Work to Maintain the Original Tooth Where Possible 

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